
Wuhan Yishan Golf Club | 四川蓝光·观岭国际高尔夫球会


Written by: Tina Zhang

Local Language English

从2014年开始,驿山球会坚持执行“驿山青少年扶持计划",通过携手本地学校,在青少年中推广高尔夫运动。 我们与周边的光谷外国语学校合作开设了高尔夫兴趣班,吸引了30多名学生报名参加,每周二下午,学生们来到驿山练习场,在驿山高尔夫学院教练指导下,进行高球课程的学习和练习。 同时,我们也与市内的其他三所学校合作,每年开展至少三场活动,以嘉年华或体验课程等形式,邀请学校师生来到球场亲身体验高尔夫运动的魅力,每年都能吸引不低于200余名青少年参与其中。 除了高尔夫以外,我们也借活动的机会 向青少年介绍驿山球会在建立环保、节能型球场上所做的努力,传达可持续发展的理念,引导他们体会自然之美与户外运动的乐趣,传递高尔夫的低碳环保精神。

Since 2014, Yishan Golf Club has paid a lot of attention to promoting junior golf and made a plan to achieve this goal by cooperating with local schools. We work with a neighbourhood school, to set a Golf Class, more than 30 students registered and come to our driving range to attend the golf class every Tuesday afternoon. We also got in touch with another three schools in the city and invited students and teachers to come to our golf carnivals or introductory courses. We hold this kind of event at least 3 times per year and can attract more than 200 students. Besides golf, we also use these classes as opportunities to deliver our sustainable concepts and practices on the course, guide junior students to appreciate the beauty of nature and the fun of outdoor sports and help them have a better understanding about topics such as respect, low-carbon and being environmentally friendly.

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