Written by: scott aitchison
Royal Dornoch Golf Club has maintained its support for one of Scotland’s most endangered species after raising a further £2,840 through the support of its members. Back in 2019, the world-renowned club launched a new clothing range for members which is an emblem based on the iconic Scottish wildcat. After the first donation of £2,195 from sales was handed over to the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), the wildlife conservation charity that leads the Saving Wildcats project, the club has now raised even more for wildcat conservation in Scotland. The historic Royal Dornoch Golf Club’s coat of arms, authorised by the Court of the Lord Lyon, includes a wildcat, the crest of the Earls of Sutherland. The club have several member-only lines from which they collected a donation from each sale, this time raising £2,840 for Saving Wildcats, a European partnership project aiming to restore Scotland’s wildcat population by breeding and releasing them into the wild.