Introducing beehives to protect biodiversity

The Royal Dublin Golf Club


Written by: Jeff Fallon

One initiative we took on in 2021 was the introduction of beehives, contributing to the re-establishment and preservation of Irish black honeybees and the protection of biodiversity. Our Deputy Head Greenkeeper, Mark Burke, was the driving force behind the project and it was overseen by the links team, who all volunteered to take part in the project, as they saw both the biodiversity benefits and the opportunity to get some nice honey for their morning porridge!

Once the club had decided to proceed with the introduction of the beehives, we looked at which consultants in the bee industry would be able to assist us. We looked at various options and we selected OpenHive to help with the initiative. They appealed to us as the four core elements of their ethos are ethical and sustainable beekeeping, conservation and education, which was closely aligned to our own ethos in how we operate on a day-to-day basis when maintaining the golf course.

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