Written by: Tina Zhang
自2018年起,驿山球会在每年淡季期间(通常是气温炎热的7月或8月)都会选择一周作为“感谢周”,诚挚感谢俱乐部所有员工的辛勤付出。 感谢周第一天,能量加油站,俱乐部为伙伴们准备了丰盛的能量自助早餐,开启元气满满的一天,下午,顶着烈日,管理层奔赴各工作岗位,为坚持在岗位上的伙伴送上冰爽软饮,并向他们表达诚挚的谢意。 感谢周第二天,俱乐部特别邀请伙伴们带着家人来体验高尔夫球、泳池,烘焙等亲子活动,在轻松愉快的氛围中,加深了俱乐部与员工、员工家属间的交流,收获更多快乐! 感谢周第三天,俱乐部举办荆楚美食节,各种美食应有尽有,更有管理层担任食堂大厨,为伙伴们打餐,荆楚美食,吃的美味,大咖打餐,吃的开心。 感谢周第四天,开展运动健康课,身体是革命的本钱,健康是幸福的基础,俱乐部特邀专家就职业病及运动康复问题开展讲座,理论与实操相结合,伙伴们得到了身心放松,提高了对运动、健康的重视。 感谢周第五天,探寻驿山之美摄影大赛。摄影达人们满怀感恩之心记录下驿山的美景和员工的工作场景,小伙伴们的争相投票。 通过丰富多彩且有仪式感的“感谢周”,我们感谢驿山球会全体员工为客人提供优质服务和为俱乐部发展做出的贡献,增进了球会作为一个整体的凝聚力。
From 2018, every year in the low season, we chose one week to be the “Thanks Giving Week” to express our sincere thanks to all Yishan staff, typically when the whether is really hot. On our most recent week, on Monday, we started the day with a hearty breakfast buffet. In the afternoon when the sun was strong, the management team delivered cold drinks for colleagues and say thanks for their work. On Tuesday, we invited employees' families to the club and they could choose to play golf, swim in the pool or attend the baking class to enjoy family time. On Wednesday, we had a Local Gourmet Festival, and our management team worked as waiters or waitress to serve other colleagues. On Thursday, we invited professionals to give lectures about occupational diseases and sports rehabilitation. On Friday, it’s was time for our photo contest and exhibition. The photos were all taken in the club, and people voted for their winners.