Birding talk and guided bird walk with Mike Buckham

Atlantic Beach Links

South Africa

Written by: Sarah Braude

The community of Atlantic Beach, including golfers, residents, and members, joined Mike Buckham of the Cape Bird Club for a Birding Talk followed by a Guided Bird Walk to explore the spectacular birdlife at Atlantic Beach.

Birding Talk: Mike, an avid golfer and birder, shared a collection of his stories and photographs from his birding experiences on various golf courses around South Africa. He also discussed the special birds that can be seen at Atlantic Beach.

A few days later, Mike led a Guided Bird Walk through Atlantic Beach, showcasing the unique bird species in the area. During the 2.5-hour walk, participants observed 70 different bird species, including the special sighting of the Fairy Flycatcher. Our Bird Sighting List now stands at 129 species and is available for golfers, residents, and guests to download.

The next Guided Bird Walk is eagerly anticipated!

Read accounts from some of the participants here.

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