
Your sustainable golf journey
starts here…

Even simple actions across thousands of courses can have a powerful impact for golf and the environment

Sustainable golf highlights

Courses around the world are sharing their stories and successes, including the business benefits they are gaining from sustainable practices.

Visit the Sustainable Golf Highlights gallery for ideas and inspiration and to share your examples with the sustainable golf community.

Support and recognition

Golf has a simple and credible way for facilities to check and track their sustainability, calculate and offset carbon, and get world-leading recognition.

OnCourse is an innovative programme developed just for golf, making it practical and quick to use each year. Then, to celebrate your leadership, GEO Certified is an excellent way to share your commitment and inspire your golfers, staff and community.

OnCourse can help kick-start or accelerate your journey...

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Leading the field

Below is a selection of courses around the world that are either OnCourse for a more sustainable future or recognized for their leadership through the GEO Certified distinction.

Browse the directory of participating golf facilities and tournaments from more than 75 countries. 

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Point of Impact