Sustainable Golf Development

The Sustainable Golf Development - Voluntary Sustainability Standard (VSS) document is the latest edition and results from a 6-month open consultation with the general public and impact review with the International Expert Working Group of golf and non-golf representatives. The 2nd Edition was published in September 2021.

Presented below is an open-access document, designed to inform the process of delivering an internationally recognized sustainable golf development. It encompasses issues of nature protection and enhancement, resource efficiency, climate action, and community connections. Applicable to all scales of golf courses, the practices within the document are adaptable, open, and affordable for all.

English Language Version

  • This document will also be published in different languages.
  • Details of the consultation process are available on request.
  • For details of how you can get further support and recognition from GEO please visit our developments page.

Supporting Documents

Click here to view a short handbook and claims guide to assist in applying the VSS to individual developments and guidance on making public claims about a development.

Click here to download the VSS Claims Guide - English Language Version


Hard copies of public summaries, standards and other related materials are made available upon request at as low a cost as possible, and covering only reasonable administrative costs. Please contact us.

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