
榆林沙漠高尔夫球场 The Desert Golf Course


Local Language English

  1. 混凝土废旧道路路渣的再利用,用于修建挡墙及驳岸
  2. 废旧草坪(改造前球场草种不同于现有草种)再利用,用于修建草皮墙沙坑Revet Bunker
  3. 修剪下沙柳枝条,用来编制发球标志、洞标、固沙、防沙等
  4. 球场步行道及维护通道采用碎石子、沙、土工格珊网修建

  1. During the reconstruction, we used waste concrete of the old pathway to build walls and lake revetments.
  2. During the reconstruction, we changed the turf grass, so we used replaced turf to make revet bunkers.
  3. We use branches to knit small things like tee markers, variety of signs.
  4. We used local gravel, sand and geogrid to construct maintenance roads and walkways.

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