What is compost tea? Compost tea is a highly concentrated microbial solution with a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi and nematodes. As its name suggests, compost tea is actually an extract from compost. The production of compost tea works by mixing composted earthworm humus, additives and water with high oxygen saturation.
During the 24-hour building process at 20°C, air is constantly added. The microorganisms are gently loosened from the solid component of the compost and selectively multiplied by the additives. The compost tea promotes a healthy and biologically active soil in which plants can develop healthily and diseases are suppressed.
At the golf park in Otelfingen, we have a brewing system of 600 litres. Every month since 2016, the brewing process is started to treat the 2 ha of greens. It is applied with a field sprayer and reduced pressure to protect the microorganisms. With the reduction of leachate application and regular use of compost tea, we have noticed long-term healthy developments on the greens, leading to a stronger lawn.