Operation Pollinator at Mickelson National

Mickelson National Golf Club


Written by: Robin Sadler

2024 marks our second year participating in Operation Pollinator. You can find more information about the program here: Operation Pollinator | Syngenta. We have created a flower garden and a designated area specifically designed to attract and support pollinators. This habitat provides nesting and food resources for bees, pollinators, beneficial insects, as well as small mammals and farmland birds, thereby enhancing overall biodiversity. It also offers crucial ecosystem services like pollination and pest control, which help improve crop yields and contribute to sustainable farming and environmental balance.

As part of this program, we maintain beehives and produce honey, which we share with the community every fall. We collaborate closely with the Harmony Bee Club to offer nature walks and educational sessions throughout the summer, fostering awareness and appreciation for pollinators and biodiversity.

For more details on the program, please see the information below:
Harmony Honey / Operation Pollinator - Syngenta Canada
In partnership with Syngenta Canada, we are proud to have developed a parcel of land where we produce our own "Harmony Honey," harvested from the hives on the golf course. Operation Pollinator is an international biodiversity initiative focused on research and partnerships aimed at supporting and enhancing biodiversity on golf courses and other landscapes.

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