Installation off air-to-air heatpumps in all our buildings

Master Golf Course


Over the past two years, we have successfully installed 11 air-to-air heat pumps across all our buildings, with the latest installation providing full heating for our maintenance building. These heat pumps offer significant benefits, particularly in Finland's challenging climate. They are highly energy-efficient, reducing our energy consumption and costs while ensuring that our buildings remain warm and comfortable year-round.

In addition to heating, the heat pumps provide cooling during warmer months, helping to maintain a comfortable environment in areas such as the dressing rooms and repair areas. This not only makes these spaces more pleasant to work in but also enhances safety by maintaining stable temperatures and preventing any extreme fluctuations.

The use of heat pumps also aligns with our sustainability goals. By utilising renewable energy from the air, we are reducing our carbon footprint and meeting environmental regulations. The efficiency and low maintenance requirements of heat pumps ensure long-term cost savings, making them a wise investment for our golf course operations.

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