Habitat boxes made by local men's shed

Glenelg Golf Club


Written by: Monina Gilbey

Did you know that it can take 100-150 years for hollows to form in trees? Many native birds and animals use the hollows of trees for nesting and shelter. Bats use hollows to go into torpor (hibernate) and owls use hollows to roost during the day. The removal of large native trees, or their limbs, means that tree hollows are hard for local fauna to find. While it is preferable for birds and animals to have natural hollows, nest boxes are used as an alternative habitat when there are no tree hollows. The Camden Park Men’s Shed have made a variety of different nest boxes to trial at our course - an owl box, a rosella box and a microbat box. As we have many watercourses, we have lots of flying insects. Each microbat eats up to 1000 insects per night, so if they move in, they will provide natural insect control and help to keep our insect numbers down.

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