
Agile Golf & Country Club -雅居乐中山长江高尔夫球会


Written by: 王科

Local Language English

球场全面实施电子化采购无纸化办公,使用30台电动吹风机代替燃油吹风机,180台充电球车、安装太阳能灯,减少碳足迹和降低操作噪音对附近居民的影响。安装新能源充电桩,为低碳出行续航。环保组织白鲸鱼旧衣回收活动,引导球友们为环保低碳出一份力。 低碳环保理念是指贯穿于社会经济,人民生活等各种方面的新型社会理念。低碳经济,是一种以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的新型经济发展模式。通过技术创新、制度创新、产业转型、新能源开发等多种手段,来尽可能地减少煤炭石油等化石能源消耗,以此减少温室气体排放,最终达到经济社会发展与生态环境保护双赢的一种经济发展形态。低碳生活,指的是百姓在生活方式上倡导低碳排放,节约资源,减少能源消耗的生活方式,做到节电,节油,节气,从每一个人做起,以此减少全社会的碳排放。目前,低碳环保理念在全世界都作为一种未来社会发展模式的重要方向,而我国在推行社会主义生态建设中,低碳环保理念更是有助于促进山水林田湖草的生态系统保护和形成市场化的生态补偿机制,助力美丽中国建设。

The golf course has fully implemented electronic procurement and a paperless office, using 30 electric blowers instead of fuel-powered blowers, 180 rechargeable golf carts, and installing solar lights to reduce the carbon footprint and minimize the impact of operating noise on nearby residents. New energy charging stations have been installed to support low-carbon travel.

The environmental organization, White Whale, has initiated an old clothes recycling activity to encourage players to contribute to environmental protection and low-carbon efforts. The concept of low-carbon environmental protection is a new social ideal that permeates various aspects of society, economy, and daily life.

A low-carbon economy is a new economic development model based on low energy consumption, low pollution, and low emissions. Through technological innovation, institutional innovation, industrial transformation, and new energy development, we aim to minimize the consumption of fossil fuels such as coal and oil, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately achieving a win-win for economic and social development and ecological environment protection.

A low-carbon lifestyle refers to living in a way that reduces one's carbon footprint through sustainable practices.

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