Despite the environment and energy efficiency being a key part of the design brief for the clubhouse, at the time of design and construction halogen lighting was the norm. As LED technology has improved and subsequent costs have fallen over the years, the decision was taken three years ago to begin phasing out old halogen bulbs and replace them with the substantially more efficient LED units.
Three years on, and over 450 bulbs and nearly half that number again of transformers have been replaced. The vast majority of bulbs have been changed from 35-watt halogen spots their 5-watt LED equivalent. Not only does this immediately increase the energy efficiency (a reduction in total lighting wattage of 20,000w), the new bulbs last far longer (up to 10x in the case of some bubs), resulting in fewer bulbs used in the long-term and much time and effort saved.
Whilst we are very happy to know that 100% of our mains-supplied power comes from renewable wind sources, we are always looking at ways in which to improve and are in the process of investigating the benefits of on-site energy renewable production.