
Foshan Golf Club


Written by: Jojo Xie

Local Language English

坐落于广粤文化腹地的佛山高尔夫球会是可持续发展的代表。球场在应对极端天气方面表现出色,能够化解缺水危机及水灾等问题,其特点包括: 蓄水:联通分散的湖泊,建立储水量达110万立方米的活水循环系统。湖泊储水量能够全面满足高尔夫球场的灌溉需求。 渗水:保留了47公顷的自然山林,并修复遭受破坏的山体,以提升雨水的吸收及渗透。 净水:以人工生物浮岛、天然和人工湿地及中水处理系统等净水技术,每年处理达445万立方米的雨水和中水。 吸水:生态边沟利用项目高低起伏的地势增加雨水于土壤的渗透率,收集的雨水被引流到湖泊以进行净化。

Situated in Guangdong Province and steeped in Canton Culture, Foshan Golf Club is an embodiment of sustainable development. The course is resilient against extreme climate conditions such as flooding and water shortages, featuring: Water Storage: Interconnected lakes with a storage capacity of 1.1 million cubic meters. Water storage in the lakes fully meets the irrigation demands of the golf course. Water Permeation: Restoration of eroded lands and preservation of 47 hectares of natural forest. Water Purification: Adoption of water purification technologies including floating islands, artificial and natural wetlands and a waste water treatment system capable of treating up to 4.45 million cubic meters of water per year. Water Retention: The bioswales makes use of the natural terrain to maximize rainwater capture which is directed to the lakes for further purification.

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