Written by: Spencer Cooper
After a number of years following GEO's guidance in sustainable golf club management, we decided to calculate our carbon footprint. We used our data gathered for 2018 and the results were very interesting and positive! We knew our main carbon emission was fuel, but even that has been reduced through the use of electric mowers by some 4000L per year. Since then we have also switched to fully renewable electricity to reduce our emissions.
The other large emission was due to tree harvesting/deforestation - mainly the result of a massive storm on 11 April 2018 when we lost many trees on site. This number will reverse in 2019 by planting 100+ new trees and we are planning to plant many more! We believe we can comfortably get our emissions down to well under 100 tonnes per year all while increasing our ability to sequester Carbon by naturalizing areas of the course and planting. It just goes to show that if managed appropriately golf courses can sequester carbon!