Click on the images below to browse through hundreds of ideas and examples shared by golf courses and tournaments from around the world … and add your own highlights to inspire others.
Break the cycle
Gleneagles , Scotland
Keep Safe, Play Safe
The Springs Golf Club , England
Caring in the community
Staff help to recycle cigarette butts
威海威高温泉高尔夫球会 Wego Hot Spring Golf Club , China
Improving the safety of our driving range
Helsingin Golfklubi , Finland
Health and safety training ensure safety in the workplace
The International Amsterdam , Netherlands
Renovation of Maintenance Facility
Dom Pedro Millennium Golf Course , Portugal
September wild wellness
Promoting golf, health and wellbeing
Agile Golf & Country Club -雅居乐中山长江高尔夫球会 , China
Enhancing safety: new stone pad installation
Golfclub Meerssen , Netherlands
Meet Wendy, the Support Dog
Creating a fun working atmosphere
Haesley Nine Bridges , Korea, Republic of